
About NG Foundation

"How We Started"

Together we can make a difference.

It was a very small initiative taken during the COVID-19 pandemic to engage children in some positive andeducational activities rather than consuming the negative content flowing in social media and TV channels. It was also the objective even to engage ourselves to some positive thing instead of listening to the negative news floating everywhere at that time. That small initiative taken by few individuals, have become a full-fledged NGO that aims to bring some positive change in the society.

Our sole motto is to highlight social issues from a fresh perspective and create socially relevant positive content for the viewers in order

- Educate and bring awareness

- to counter the toxic content flowing in various communication/social media platforms

At the same time, we also make efforts to bring some change in the physical environment as well. Our members and volunteers are also on the ground to make some positive contribution in the society.
Thus, our team is divided into two segments:

1. The first segment is a dedicated team of writers, lyricists, video editors, voice-over artists, singers, artists etc who try to make an impact with their writings, singing etc. They create relevant content for the users in order to combat the negativity. They also build some satire, engaging stuff so that it could be viewed from an entertainment angle while forcing them to think from a fresh perspective. We aim to bring a smile on their faces while making them more responsible towards the society.

2. The second segment is our ground warriors who try to contribute in a traditional way of adding value in the life of people around them. Initially we are focused on two areas:

a. Environment protection: We work on various issues such as water conservation, tree protection, conservation of natural resources, climate change etc in order to protect the biodiversity and sanctity of the planet. We aim to preserve the ecological balance and harmony of society. Planet should be a place where all creatures (including humans) live happily in harmony.

We invite you to join us in our mission of making a positive impact in society. You can support us by donating money or resources, volunteering your time or skills, or spreading the word about our work.

b. Education: We work on improving the access and quality of education for underprivileged children. We hire teachers, volunteers, distribute books and materials, and enroll children for the basic and preliminary education in order to reduce poverty, inequality, and illiteracy in society.

Together we can make a difference.